I made some test and successfully packaged web2py!

There is only a caveat, that unfortunately makes useless python-for-android
right now:

"If you want to use it without kivy module (an opengl es 2.0 ui toolkit),
then you might want a lighter java bootstrap, that we don't have right now.
Help is welcome :)"

So it's not possible to package an application without an opengl es 2 gui

If I find more free time (very unlikely) I can try to build a custom
bootstrap to startup the web2py webserver gui (or something similar).


2012/1/10 Nik Go <nikolai...@gmail.com>

> Offhand, I could think of a custom app for that itch you want to scratch ..
> On Tuesday, January 10, 2012, Plumo wrote:
>> what is the use case for running a web framework on your Android phone?

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