Also, in the shell, you have to do db.commit() to commit db transactions 
(this is not necessary in a normal web request because the framework 
handles that automatically). 


On Saturday, January 14, 2012 11:52:01 AM UTC-5, DenesL wrote:
> tags has to be a list of strings, try: 
> db.entries.insert(title='hello',tags='one,two,three'.split(',')) 
> or the equivalent: 
> db.entries.insert(title='hello',tags=['one','two','three']) 
> On Jan 14, 10:14 am, Joseph Jude <> wrote: 
> > I went into shell in a new web2py directory and tried the below. 
> > Surprisingly, I get empty output. Any explanations? 
> > 
> > python -S init -M 
> > 
> > db.define_table('entries', 
> > Field('title', type='string'), 
> > Field('tags', 'list:string')) 
> > 
> > >>> db.entries.insert(title='hello',tags='one,two,three') 
> > 
> > 1 
> > 
> > >>> t=db(db.entries.tags.contains('one')).select() 
> > >>> t.as_list() 
> > 
> > []

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