I have tried to reproduce this with web2py 1.99.4 and the line numbers
are consistent trough the error page. It always shows the same line

On 13 ene, 10:26, Kenneth Lundström <kenneth.lundst...@nudata.fi>
> Hello list,
> I got an Internal error and the problem is in a views file.
> And as we know row numbers in the source files is not the same as in the
> Error page. So I started looking at the error on the Error page and I
> think I found a bug in showing the code.
> File"/views/troop/campaign.html",line436,in<module>
> TypeError:unsupported operand type(s)for-:'NoneType'and'long'
> So I scrolled down to line number 436
> 436    if tracker_rows[person_id].has_key(product.id):
> and I can't understand whats wrong.
> So I scrolled back up to check the row number and then by mistake I
> looked at the short version that only shows 20 rows. In that listing row
> numer 436 is:
> to_be_returned[product.id] =
> tracker_rows[person_id][product.id].count_received -
> tracker_rows[person_id][product.id].count_paid -
> tracker_rows[person_id][product.id].count_returned
> makes much more sense.
> Kenneth

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