
Thank you very much for your reply.  I have made the changes to my
code, but it still didn't solve my problem with the AJAX call not
working.  Any suggestions?

On Jan 21, 11:40 pm, Massimo Di Pierro <>
> In your code you have many calls to this:
>    db(
> which could be simplified into the equivalent expression
>    db.mydb(request.args(0))
> You also have this:
>     records=db(
>     ...
>     counter=len(records)
> but id is unique so counter is always only 1 or 0.
> You also have:
>         check=db(
>         if check !=None:
>             ....
>         else:
>             row = db(
> so row is exactly like check and therefore always None.
> Basically you code is equivalent to this:
> def my_func():
>     if request.args:
>         row = db.mydb(request.args(0))
>         counter = 1 if row else 0
>         if not row: # should be if row?
>    # always fails!
>             (filename, stream)
> = db.mydb.myfield.retrieve(row.resourcefield)
>             myfunc(id,filename,stream)
>     else:
>         redirect(URL('mycontroller','this_function'))
>     records = [row] if row else []
>     return(counter=counter, records=recods, row=row)
> On Jan 21, 5:54 am, web-dev-m <> wrote:
> > Dear Massimo,
> > Thank you in advance for your time just looking.  If I can write a
> > functional web application, you must be brilliant to have created this
> > software.
> > I am essentially trying to write a google docs clone with the ability
> > to add notes.
> > My users upload documents which a python function uses, modifies, and
> > then stores the text in the database.  The view displays the text from
> > the page in a set of divs.  I then use AJAX to create a note on the
> > side via a form.
> > The text from the document and the document title/file are in
> > different tables.  Also, there is not guaranteed to be file text yet,
> > as not every user that uploads a file will need to see the text, so I
> > upload the file and get the text in two separate functions.
> > My workflow is:
> > 1.) check to see if file exists in database
> > 2.) IF it doesnt, make it, and store the text in a table, then get the
> > text fields.
> > 3.) IF it does, get the text fields from one table and the filename
> > from another
> > 4.) Display file text in the view
> > I then use AJAX to add a form which allows the user to add a note next
> > to the text.

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