
I run web2py locally, to develop a website. Whenever there is an error, I 
see a website that looks like this:

*Internal errorTicket issued:
> *vpp2py/<http://example.com/>

I would prefer to see the traceback in the shell.

Is there a way to make web2py pass error messages to std output or a file 
(with human-readable formatting)?

I can output the application/appname/error/* files (Thanks to the nice 
people of #bash at irc.freenode/net !):

inotifywait . -m -e CLOSE_WRITE --format '%f' | while IFS= read -r f; do 
cat "$f" | sed -e 's/[^\]\\n/\n/g'; done

but I have a bad feeling about this, especially because of strings like 
'\r' turning into '\\r' and '\n' being used in the file instead of 
proper(?) newlines. Here's an example of what the 3-rd last line of a log 
file looks like:

S'Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File 
"/home/qubodup/web/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 191, in restricted\n    
ccode = compile2(code,layer)\n  File 
"/home/qubodup/web/web2py/gluon/restricted.py", line 178, in compile2\n    
return compile(code.rstrip().replace(\'\\r\\n\',\'\\n\')+\'\\n\', layer, 
\'exec\')\n  File "/home/qubodup/web/web2py/applications/vpp2py/models/db.py", 
line 38\n    plugins = PluginManager()x                      # for configuring 
plugins\n                             ^\nSyntaxError: invalid syntax\n'

Thanks for reading. If nobody knows a better solution, hopefully the 
inotifywait line will come in handy to somebody else. :)

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