Hi, first post so go easy on me!

I have two tables setup as shown below. I have a lot of data
(thousands of lines) that I'd like to import, but I can't seem to
figure out an easy way to relate the players.team field back to a team
in the teams table without modifying thousands of lines in excel, one
by one, to have the matching ID for a team rather than the matching
text (both csv files contain teams.name).

   Field('name', unique=True),...)

   Field('team', 'reference teams'),...)

db.players.team.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.teams.id, '%(name)s')

So my question is...is there a way to csv import my players and have
w2p or sql recognize the matching team name and assign the
corresponding teams.id in the table? It seems to work this way if I
add one at a time from the interface, but obviously that would be
impractical with such a large number of items.

Thanks for you help and let me know if that wasn't clear enough!

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