Agree. I will take a patch

On Jan 30, 8:51 am, Anthony <> wrote:
> On Sunday, January 29, 2012 7:36:07 PM UTC-5, HittingSmoke wrote:
> > I'd like to use auth with only a username instead of first and last
> > name. I defined my own tables without a first and last name but it
> > still causes issues throughout the app.
> > For instance, when I try to use appadmin to add a user to a new auth
> > group I get an error (<type 'exceptions.KeyError'> 'first_name') if
> > there is no first and last name fields in the database. If I create
> > them but make them unreadable and unwritable the page will load but
> > all of the entries in the User ID dropdown say "None None (user ID
> > #)".
> The default validator for auth_permission.user_id and auth_event.user_id is:
> IS_IN_DB(db, '' % settings.table_user_name,
>     '%(first_name)s %(last_name)s (%(id)s)')
> After calling auth.define_tables(), you can change those to:
> db.auth_permission.user_id.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, '' %
>     settings.table_user_name, '%(username)s (%(id)s)')
> Perhaps this should happen automatically when the first_name and last_name
> fields are not included in auth_user.
> The auth Welcome bar is also fixed to the first name field and if not
> > used it will says Welcome, None.
> You can easily replace the navbar by removing auth.navbar from the
> layout.html view and replacing it with a custom navbar. However, we should
> make auth.navbar more customizable. Please open an issue
> ( and reference this thread.
> Anthony

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