You could do 
this: The 
only downside is you have to call the special render() function in each 
controller instead of relying on web2py's default handling of the rendering.

Another option is to create a special helper for your ember markup:

In a model or imported from a module:
class em(DIV):
    tag = ''
    def xml(self):
        return '{{%s}}' % super(em, self).xml()

In web2py view:
{{=em('stuff that goes in ember markup')}}
{{=em('stuff that goes in ember markup, ', A('including nested web2py 
helpers', _href='#'))}}
{{=A(em('ember markup nested in a web2py helper'), _href='#')}}

{{stuff that goes in ember markup}}
{{more stuff, <a href="#">including nested web2py helpers</a>}}
<a href="#">{{ember markup embedded in a web2py helper}}</a>

Ultimately, it would be nice if the web2py markup tags were more easily 
configurable. I was thinking it might be nice to do so in -- that 
way you could specify custom tags on a per view basis (though if the views 
extend a layout, the layout would have to have the same custom tags as the 


On Friday, February 3, 2012 3:00:12 PM UTC-5, David Marko wrote:
> Hello, it was discussed earlier but with no result. I would like to use 
> ember.js  which uses {{}} for its 
> template language. This conflicts with web2py template and causes errors. I 
> there a way how to incorporate some special web2py tag, that will allow 
> web2py to skip its content as is without evaluating it as web2py template? 
> Or is there anyone who found good solution for this?
> thank you ...

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