I can tell my experience, I'm working for 2 years with web2py or more I
think. I work in different projects, one I currently developing I think is
quite big, work with millons of records, and is very complex and has many
lines of code and many tables, is an internal application for a national
company. Also I worked in instant press from 1 year ago or more, and many
other applications.

In matter of scaling what I can say. Don't keep it with the basic. For me
this is python and the important is the code, the beauty of the code, make
sure that you application use modules, yes import is a great thing, this
keep you code well order, take in mind nobody wants to read an awfull code,
and in a future you can add new code and debug the problems easily. When
you have a big app, models are not a good idea, this is why some experience
developers quite from using web2py, the problem is that are giving up too
fast, because you can avoid using models in web2py app, or at least using
elemental models. You can read more why in my slides from last pycon at
http://www.slideshare.net/martinpm/web2py-pensando-en-grande-9448110. Also
you can read examples like lessmodel application that bruno rocha made or
the plugin aproach by kenshi here http://dev.s-cubism.com/plugin_jstree.

Scheduler is another great piece of code, it's small but pretty powerfull,
It's really nice and I use a lot. I don't know why the people are not using
more. You can run a long time task to avoid timeout of the server and
client with long tasks.

Dal, well in my experience is great but not always I can use full of it.
Many times I have heavly or complex queries that I have to pass it with
executesql. But dal is working pretty well with this mix.

About "breakage" when upgrating web2py, yes I have some, but it's my fault
because sometimes I'm using experimental features and not stable, I want
always the last features, I remember scheduler and grid give me some
trouble with this. But in generally I have running application of about 2-3
years ago with the last version.

2012/2/3 howesc <how...@umich.edu>

> i don't know of any blogs that discuss the experiences of users over the
> long term.  i suspect this group history might be an indication.  heck,
> check my posts over the past couple of years - whenever i hit bumps in the
> road i tend to ask questions here.
> are there specific things we can help answer?  i have used web2py for 4
> live production projects (and a few toys along the way), 3 of the 4 are on
> google app engine, and one of the 4 sees a sustained 60 requests a second
> average, so i've been using it all heavily (though not always the most up
> to date, i'm slow at incorporating new features).
> cfh


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