Thank you, Would there be any harm in adding environ['QUERY_STRING'] httpserver.log as a change in your source code ? This would solve my issue and perhaps help others by giving a little more detail in the logs which for REST type applications will be very useful.
One line added and two lines slightly altered around line 700 of in gluon: line = '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %f, %s\n' % ( #JC: added extra ', %s' before the \n environ['REMOTE_ADDR'],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), environ['REQUEST_METHOD'], environ['PATH_INFO'].replace(',', '%2C'), environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], (status_headers[0])[:3], time.time() - time_in, # JC: add a comma at the end of this line environ['QUERY_STRING'] # JC: new line to show query parameters Thanks, John Cobo