Excellent piece of information Ross! Thank you very much!

On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 11:11 AM, Ross Peoples <ross.peop...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I haven't heard of them before, but I have learned a quick lesson about
> VPS providers: most of them are one-man operations that only last for a few
> months. I have done a LOT of research on VPS providers over the last couple
> of weeks and the one site I always end up turning to for advice on
> providers is Low End Box: http://www.lowendbox.com/
> I did a search for VPScolo on LEB and found an ad from 2010. So the fact
> that they've been around for at least 2 years is a good sign. You don't get
> a whole lot of resource though. So far, I have only found two VPS providers
> that give you the most resources for your money. If you need bandwidth, go
> for RethinkVPS. They offer unlimited transfer. If you need more memory,
> look at ChicagoVPS. I got in on a good deal with them: 2GB of RAM, 2TB of
> transfer for $7/month.
> As for the burst, you have 256 MB of RAM. The burst is like swap space. It
> is there for temporary usage only. Many providers provide you with burst
> memory in case your site is listed on Reddit or Slashdot and experiences a
> sudden spike in traffic. If you are eating into burst memory often, your
> provider will make you upgrade to a better plan, or ask you to leave. So
> make sure that 256 MB is more than sufficient for your needs.
> As a quick note, I am not associated with VPS providers. I was looking for
> one recently, so I started doing my homework for a provider that met my
> needs. I should also mention that these are cheap plans, and are a step up
> from shared hosting, but they are not going to be as high quality as a
> provider such as VPS.net or Rackspace, etc. So there will be some downtime
> every now and then.


Linux User #387870
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