I know that you can do :
result = db((db.xxx.tag==tag) & (db.xxx.status==status)).select()

But i don't know how to generate the condition, one by one...

On 10 fév, 23:10, gbs <grosbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have search posts on this group, but i don't have found the solution
> of my question :$
> I have a table, wich display record of a database, nothing weird..
> I have made a form, so you can "filter" the result.
> You can check "Tag" of the record, "Status" of the record, so on...
> How can i create an sql "requete/statement" : ??
> sql = ""
> -- if tag :
>    sql += "tag = xxx"
> -- if status:
>    sql += " and status = xxx"
> result = db(sql).select()
> it's just an example, wich don't work, but i don't understand how to
> chain condition of a query :$
> Best regards

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