> strange, really :D
> I don't mind if that turns out in the logging, but I have the same
> behaviour
> niphlod@platypus:~$ uwsgi-python --version
> I use uwsgi-python in production /usr/bin/uwsgi-python . If I recall
> correctly that is a symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/uwsgi-python', and
> that one is afile  symbolic link to `/usr/bin/uwsgi-python2.6'
> I then have a /usr/bin/uwsgi that is the result of pip-installing uwsgi
> package: actually I'm experimenting on dropping the uwsgi-python package
> (some real mess to understand clearly, at least for me, especially with
> its
> /etc/init.d scripts) . With the emperor mode it's really easier to manage
> apps.... Maybe some "shared libraries" between versions ?

The original uwsgi debian packages started when the emperor was still a
prototype. The author (Leonid Borisenko) did his best to simulate what the
Emperor is today simply using init script and various form of
configuration inheritance. For me, Emperor is the simplest (and versatile)
way to go, as it relies on config files only: you create one to start a
new instance, you remove it to remove an instance, you touch it to reload
an instance. No script, nor funny permission issues (you can choose the
directory in which config files are looked up).

In addition to this, 0.9.6 is near to end-of-maintainance (june 2012), so
upgrading to 1.x would be in general a better choice.

Roberto De Ioris

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