Thanks, i will test by the end of the week.
I need this.


On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 10:07 PM, Ross Peoples <>wrote:

> I have created another plugin for the MarkItUp widget. I know that
> plugin_wiki has this currently, but I wanted a dedicated plugin for this
> for an upcoming project I'm working on.
> You can get the plugin from Bitbucket:
> There is no documentation yet, as I just pushed the code. But I wanted to
> announce in case anyone wants to play with this. It has not been thoroughly
> tested and is only an alpha at this point. It can be used with several
> different markup languages:
>    - BBCode
>    - HTML
>    - Markdown
>    - Markmin
>    - reStructuredText
>    - Textile
>    - Wiki
> The plugin can be used standalone, or as a form field widget. It currently
> supports live previews for 4 markup languages: html, markmin, markdown,
> textile, and bbcode. Code blocks for markmin and markdown markup are
> highlighted by pygments, which is included as part of the plugin. No
> external dependencies. Using pygments for code highlighting allows over 100
> languages to be highlighted.
> Code highlighting in markmin:
> ``
> def testing():
>     print 'Testing'
> ``:python
> Code highlighting in markdown:
>     :::python
>     def testing():
>         print 'Testing'
> Markdown requires four spaces at the beginning of each line for code
> blocks.
> Example for basic usage:
> from plugin_markitup.markitup import MarkItUp
> def test():
>     widget = MarkItUp(set_name='markmin').markitup()
>     return dict(widget=widget)
> Example model for form fields:
> from plugin_markitup.markitup import MarkItUp
> db.define_table('content',
>     Field('name', length=20),
>     Field('description', 'text')
> )
> db.content.description.widget = MarkItUp().widget
> Example controller:
> def test():
>     form = SQLFORM(db.content)
>     if form.accepts(request, session):
>         redirect(URL())
>     return dict(form=form)
> This plugin is more of an alpha preview, so I expect there to be problems
> and inconsistencies. Please try it out and let me know if you have any
> questions, comments, or problems!

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