Yeah I don't think that is the issue because it has worked several times
before, probably a bug in the database I will just rebuild it and try again.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 2:08 PM, Richard Vézina <
> wrote:

> Try db.commit() between your two insert... Maybe web2py is doing only one
> commit at the end of your function, but since you do insert by hand instead
> of let the form insert your maybe have to commit...
> Richard
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Bruce Wade <> wrote:
>> Didn't touch psql. there is 3 records in that table already, so I was not
>> sure why it would even default to 1.
>> Here is the code that processes after the form is accepted. My code
>> didn't increment anything just standard web2py calls.
>> ----
>> if ucashmethod.process(formname='ucash').accepted:
>>         """
>>         1) Check payment amount
>>         2) Check owing amount
>>         3) Make sure payment amount is not greater then owing amount
>>         4) Make sure member has enough ucash to cover the payment amount
>>         5) Complete the order
>>         6) Add to the capital investments
>>         7) Give all the sponsor bonus
>>         8) Redirect to thank you page
>>         """
>>         if float(ucash_available) >=
>> float(product_details['product_orders'].owing):
>>             print "ucash amount is good"
>>             payment_amount = product_details['product_orders'].owing
>>             ucash_before = distributor.ucash_balance
>>             distributor.ucash_balance -= int(payment_amount)
>>             distributor.ucash_balance_available -= int(payment_amount)
>>             ucash_after = distributor.ucash_balance
>>             product_details['product_orders'].owing -= int(payment_amount)
>>             product_details['product_orders'].update_record()
>>             distributor.update_record()
>>             payment = db.payments.insert(
>>                 order_id = product_details['product_orders'].id,
>>                 ack = '',
>>                 transactionid = '',
>>                 paymentstatus = 'Completed',
>>                 pendingreason = 'None',
>>                 currencycode = 'USD',
>>                 taxamt = '0.00',
>>                 paymenttype = 'Youcash',
>>                 token = 'N/A',
>>                 version = 1,
>>                 build = 1,
>>                 feeamt = '',
>>                 reasoncode = 'None',
>>                 amt = payment_amount,
>>                 correlationid = 'CORRELATIONID',
>>                 transactiontype = 'Youcash'
>>             )
>>             db.cash_journal.insert(
>>                 transaction_type = UCashChangeType.buy_product,
>>                 distributor_id =,
>>                 happen_amount = -int(payment_amount),
>>                  ucash_before = ucash_before,
>>                 ucash_after = ucash_after,
>>                 transaction_id = payment,
>>                 operator_id =
>>             )
>>             if product_details['product_orders'].owing <= 0:
>>                 # 1) add product, do bonus calculations
>>                 x = distributor_engine.addProduct(distributor,
>> product_details['products'])
>>                 buy_time =
>> distributor_engine.get_valid_buy_times(distributor)
>>                 if == 1:
>>                     # place member as root
>>                     #distributor_engine.place_member(None, None, None)
>> distributor_engine.member_purchase_prod_calc(distributor,
>> product_details['products'])
>>                 elif (db(db.capital_investments.member_id ==
>> > 1 and x != -1) or ((buy_time==0 or
>> buy_time==1) and distributor.upline_id and distributor.sponsor_id):
>>                     print "Calculating bonuses"
>> distributor_engine.member_purchase_prod_calc(distributor,
>> product_details['products'])
>>         else:
>>             session.flash = T("Sorry there is not enough ucash in your
>> account to complete this purchase!")
>>             redirect(URL('products','payment/%s' % purchase_uuid))
>>         #session.flash = 'Congrats for your new product'
>>         redirect(URL('products','index'))
>> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 1:46 PM, Ron McOuat <> wrote:
>>> It is like the sequence for that primary key has started over with a
>>> reset to initial value since the key value that causes the exception is 1.
>>> To do that I would think you would have to tweak the sequence with psql
>>> while there is data in the table.
>>> Ron
>> --
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Bruce Wade

Bruce Wade

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