
As a side not, DABO is written fully in Python itself.
It is a full fledged framework using wxPython for GUI.
But I am using its database-interaction tier & business-logic tier
( & dabo.db).

-- Vineet

On Feb 13, 8:16 pm, Richard Vézina <>
> Hi Vineet,
> Thanks for sharing. So, if I understand correctly, you use DABO code as an
> equivalent of the php code in the example from the DTs to allow grid to
> interact with database...
> I will have a look at PowerTable this week to see if it actually implement
> server processing and if not to try to figure out how we could add the
> feature...
> :)
> Richard
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 1:08 AM, Vineet <> wrote:
> > Richard,
> > Here is my minimal code for returning json data in dataTables via
> > web2py's ajax function.
> > ---View---
> > <!-- here's a well-formed table -->
> > <table id="abc_table">
> > <thead>
> >  <tr>
> >    <th>ABC Category Name</th>
> >    <th>Code</th>
> >  </tr>
> > </thead>
> > <tbody>
> > </tbody>
> > </table>
> > <script>
> > // this I keep in js folder
> > function dtbl_show(hash_div, sAjaxSource, aoColumns) {
> >        $(document).ready(function() {
> >    $(hash_div).dataTable( {
> >        "bJQueryUI": true,
> >        "bDeferRender": true,
> >        "bPaginate": true,
> >        'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers',
> >        "bProcessing": true,
> >        "bServerSide": true,
> >        "aaSorting": [[ 1, "desc" ]],
> >        "bAutoWidth": false,
> >        "aoColumns" : aoColumns,
> >        "sAjaxSource": sAjaxSource
> >    } );
> >  } );
> >                jQuery.fn.dataTableExt.oPagination.iFullNumbersShowPages =
> > 10;
> >              }
> > </script>
> > <script>
> > // call here this script & pass the table's div for rendering it
> > dtbl_show("#abc_table", "{{=URL('abc','get_abcdata')}}", [{ sWidth:
> > '350px' }, { sWidth: '200px' }] )
> > </script>
> > --- End View ---
> > --- Controller for populating data via ajax ---
> > (excuse the bugged-up indentation here)
> > def get_abcdata():
> >  if request_vars_iDisplayStart != None:
> >        iDisplayStart = request_vars_iDisplayStart
> >  else:
> >        iDisplayStart = 0
> >  if request_vars_iDisplayLength != None:
> >        iDisplayLength = request_vars_iDisplayLength
> >  else:
> >        iDisplayLength = 10
> >  if request_vars_sEcho != None:
> >       sEcho = int(request_vars_sEcho)
> >  else:
> >       sEcho = 1
> >  qry = 'your sql query string'
> > ### Below this, I am using a 3rd party library viz. DABO for
> > interacting with DB.
> > ### You may substitute that syntax with the DB layer of your choice
> > (DAL or whatever else) and get dataset.
> >    try:
> >        conn_name = connInstance.makeConn()
> >        cur = conn_name.cursor()
> >        qry = qry1 + ' limit ' + str(iDisplayStart) + ', ' +
> > str(iDisplayLength) + ';'
> > # fetch total data
> >        cur.execute(qry1)
> >        data_full = cur.getDataSet()
> >        iTotalRecords = len(data_full)
> > # fetch data as requested from client
> >        cur.execute(qry)
> >        data_disp = cur.getDataSet()
> >        iTotalDisplayRecords = len(data_full)
> >    finally:
> >        conn_name.close()
> >    aaData = []
> > # Now populate the aaData with data in form of lists.
> > # e.g. aaDada will look like -- [[1, 'Vineet'],[2,'Richard']]
> > # This formatting is important
> >   D=dict(sEcho=sEcho, iTotalRecords=iTotalRecords,
> > iTotalDisplayRecords=iTotalDisplayRecords,
> > iDisplayLength=iDisplayLength, aaData=aaData)
> >   return response.json(D)
> > -- End of Controller code --
> > That's wraps it up.
> > If you need any further drilling down in my code, pl. ask.
> > I will be happy to share.
> > HTH,
> > --- Vineet
> > On Feb 8, 10:18 pm, Richard Vézina <>
> > wrote:
> > > Yes!
> > > I think the PowerTable of Burno don't implement server side processing
> > > yet... We maybe can start form there to make a server side implementation
> > > of PowerTable... What do you think?
> > > I think, we have to split table header from data then wrote a python
> > > implementation fo the php script as shown in the example of DTs...
> > > For sure see a bit of your code could help me figure out the path I
> > should
> > > follow and help my reflexion.
> > > About "fnInitComplete" it is just needed in case you want to initialise
> > DTs
> > > with fixed columns...
> > > Richard
> > > On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Vineet <>
> > wrote:
> > > > Hi Richard !
> > > > Pl. excuse my late replying.
> > > > Glad to hear that you got it working.
> > > > If you are interested, I can share my code.
> > > > I am not using "fnInitComplete".
> > > > Mine is very simple & minimal code.
> > > > --- Vineet
> > > > On Feb 7, 10:19 pm, Richard Vézina <>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > Finally got it to work...
> > > > > There was a problem with the init of DTs particularly this option :
> >
> > > > > *fnInitComplete*
> > > > > *
> > > > > *
> > > > > *
> > > > > *
> > > > > It's not solving my speed problem as I expect it could do... So I
> > will
> > > > put
> > > > > it on hold, but I plan to implement a basic server interaction
> > script as
> > > > > the php DTs example to make it easier deploy DTs with server side
> > > > > capability...
> > > > > Richard
> > > > > On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Bruno Rocha <>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > > Not,
> > > > > > PowerGrid is based in pure Jquery Templates
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > Bruno Rocha
> > > > > > []

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