Do you have the little Web2py icon in the destination field? (Or
whatever Chrome calls it - the place where you type the URL.)

That would be your favicon.ico.  In the past, Chrome did really odd
things if favicon is missing and maybe it still does.

On Feb 16, 12:52 pm, Sameh Khalil <> wrote:
> I'm new to web2py and following the book, I'm trying to follow along with
> the 3rd Chapter building the images 
> application, I'm 
> faced with
> a problem after building the model and trying to add uploads using the
> database administration, it doesn't work in chrome, after filling the form
> and clicking submit, the page refreshes with cleared inputs as new. The
> form works with other browsers as expected (Firefox, Opera, IE) I'm running
> on Windows 7.
> Anybody knows what is causing such problem ??

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