This is actually just a Python quirk:

In Python 2.x, the / operator always returns an integer when both
operands are integers, e.g. (5 / 2) returns 2, not  2.5. The solution
is to simply make one or both operands a float:

percent = float(x) / y * 100   # x/y as a percentage

If you want your percent value to be an integer:

percent = int(float(x) / y * 100)   # x/y as a percentage

On Feb 21, 3:45 am, Hassan Alnatour <>
> Dear All ,
> i have two variables am using  :
> 1 - myfull >>> returns 3
> 2 - myfull 2  >>> returns 5
> so what am trying to do is  myfull1 = (myfull / myfull2)* 100 , so i
> can get a percent  >>> {{=myfull1%}} but i keep geting 0 it should be
> 60%

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