anybody .. please .. pretty please :)..

On Feb 21, 10:20 am, whowhywhat <> wrote:
> I need a web2py SQLFORM.grid to accept and process based on some
> conditions, which need to be triggered based on some check boxes. I
> have inserted these checkboxes into the form by doing something like :
> In the controller -
> def my_grid():
> form = SQLFORM.grid(....)
> if  len(request.args)>1 and (request.args[0]=='new' or 'edit') and
> (form.create_form or form.edit_form):
>         my_extra_element = TR(TD(LABEL('Process x:'),
> _class='w2p_fl'), INPUT(_name='Do X', default=False,
>             _value='on', _type='checkbox',_id='process_x'))
>     if form.create_form:
>         form.create_form[0].insert(-1,my_extra_element)
>     if form.edit_form:
>         form.edit_form[0].insert(-1,my_extra_element)
>     if request.post_vars: session.tmp = request.post_vars
> return dict(form=form)
> Adding the custom elements is straight forward and easy..
> Is there some way to store and pass the value of the custom inserted
> check-box or any such customized form?
> I have tried many things.. but have not been successful so far.
> Any help is greatly appreciated :) ..

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