> 3) What is web2py approach to configuration, settings and programming?

As noted, the only real configuration file is routes.py, which is optional 
and used for routing (URL rewrite and routes on error). In addition to the 
root routes.py file in the /web2py folder, you can also have app-specific 
routes.py files. Also, note that model files are executed on every request 
(unless they are in subfolders to be executed conditionally based on the 
controller and/or function), so app-specific configuration-like settings 
are sometimes put in a model file (model files are executed alphabetically, 
so if you want some configuration settings to be set before any other app 
code runs, you might put them in a model file named 0_config.py).

> CoC?

Probably more so than most Python frameworks, web2py does adopt a strong 
"convention over configuration" philosophy (this is in contrast to the 
"explicit is better than implicit" Python mantra followed by most other 
frameworks). See http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/1#Principles. 
In web2py, everything has sane defaults but can be customized as needed. 
That's why the "hello world" is as simple as:


def index():
    return dict(message='Hello World')

4) Is it possible to get web2py like PHP frameworks without installations? 
> Do an unzip and have the folder structure to develop on without admin 
> interfaces and such?

Using the "admin" interface is entirely optional. You can develop using any 
text editor or IDE (and, in fact, you can access most of the "admin" 
functionality programmatically via the gluon.admin module).

> 5) What would be deemed as good read for people from PHP background to 
> understand web2py's ways?

A little old, but you can check 
out http://www.web2py.com/AlterEgo/default/show/106. That's really 
comparing web2py to plain PHP, not PHP MVC frameworks. Compared with PHP 
MVC frameworks, the biggest difference is probably just the language. You 
should also get a good idea about how web2py works by going through the 
Introduction and Overview chapters of the book, as well 
as http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#Workflow 
and http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/4#Dispatching.


> Thank you

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