I have written a calming reply yesterday but now I see it hasn't showed up. 
Hm. I use the google groups web interface and this isn't the first time 
this has happened. Ah well.

Anyway, it wasn't my intention to attack anyone, but it seems that I still 
have a strong opinion about IE. I thought this has already changed during 
the years, but it seems it hasn't. I assume this is because of the hours 
spent on making various interfaces working on those wonderful examples of 
IE technology... :) My strong opinion is entirely limited to the software 
itself, not aimed at it's users or authors and if anyone felt attacked, I 
sincerely apologize.

If the OP or anyone else has a specific question about making anything 
behave better under IE6 or any other IE, I'll be glad to help out as I'm 
sure will others.

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