
we have the exact same problem, it seems to be a problem with pymysql
(https://github.com/petehunt/PyMySQL/issues/42), however that fix
seems to be integrated in latest web2py but the error remains.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Best regards,

On 20 Feb, 01:25, Matt Grham <matt.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> When I try to upload a file that is greater than 15 MB to a blob data
> field, I get the following error from pymysql:
> (<type 'exceptions.AssertionError'>, AssertionError('Result length not
> requested length:\nExpected=21071312.  Actual=16777025.  Position: 190.
>  Data Length: 16777215',))
> The error is raised from the peek function in connections.py module:
>   def peek(self, size):
>     """Look at the first 'size' bytes in packet without moving cursor."""
>     result = self.__data[self.__position:(self.__position+size)]
>     if len(result) != size:
>       error = ('Result length not requested length:\n'
>                'Expected=%s.  Actual=%s.  Position: %s.  Data Length: %s'
>                % (size, len(result), self.__position, len(self.__data)))
>       if DEBUG:
>         print error
>         self.dump()
>       raise AssertionError(error)
>     return result
> How can I resolve this issue? Any help or suggestions appreciated.
> web2py version: Version 1.95.1 (2011-04-25 15:04:14)
> Regards,
> Matt

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