There are scripts for setting up web2py on Ubuntu with Apache 
and Nginx/uwsgi 
both of which include commands for creating a self-signed certificate using 
OpenSSL -- perhaps you can look at them for some guidance.


On Thursday, March 1, 2012 8:48:08 PM UTC-5, David Phillips wrote:
> I freely admit that I don't understand how https, SSL, and public key 
> infrastructure works. It doesn't seem like it should be hard to use 
> but whenever I try, things don't work. 
> For instance, I wanted to access the admin interface for my web2py 
> application on a remote host. My thought was that I don't need to buy 
> an SSL certificate because I trust myself, for the most part. The 
> web2py command line allows the user to specify an SSL certificate (-c) 
> and a private key (-k). I figured one of these would work. 
> So I made a self-signed certificate according to some instructions I 
> found online: 
> openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024 
>         server.key is a private key 
> openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr 
>         server.csr is a certificate signing request 
> cp server.key 
>         save off the server key 
> openssl rsa -in -out server.key 
>         create a derivative key that doesn't need a passphrase 
> openssl rsa -in -out server.key 
>         create the self-signed certificate, server.crt 
> Then I used the certificate to start the rocket server: 
>         python  -p 8001 -a '<recycle>' -c server.crt 
> But when I tried to access the page: 
> I get a browser error: 
>         Error 107 (net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR): SSL protocol error. 
> Since I don't know what I"m doing, I tried some experiments: 
>         python  -p 8001 -a '<recycle>' -k server.key 
> and 
>         python  -p 8001 -a '<recycle>' -c server.crt -k 
> server.key 
> all to no avail. 
> Thinking that maybe the browser (Chrome) doesn't know to trust the 
> certificate, I went to the preferences window -> https/ssl -> manage 
> certificates... which launches Keychain Access on my Macintosh. I 
> tried to import the new self-signed certificate into Keychain Access 
> so that I could mark it as trusted but I got an error (the not very 
> helpful: "an error has occurred. Unable to import an item." with 
> nothing logged in the console) 
> So I tried it the other way. I created a certificate in Keychain 
> access, marked it trusted for SSL and then exported it. I used the 
> certificate to start the browser: 
>         python  -p 8001 -a '<recycle>' -c new.crt 
> Again failure. 
> So what am I doing wrong? 
> As a bonus question, is there a place to go learn about these issues? 
> I've looked around and I can't find either a website or a book that 
> can explain to me how SSL, CAs, and PKI works. The information must be 
> out there, maybe even in a gentle, understandable form.

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