As I can see, you got the XML and outputed it to the view.
I dont see what you want more. Tell us.

2012/3/6 Praveen Bhat <>:
> Hello,
> I have come to the point where the whole XML document is returned, as u can
> see in the attached file.
> I have used the following code:
> Controller:
> def index():
> import urllib2
> temp =
> urllib2.urlopen('')
> tempdata =
> parseddata = XML(tempdata).xml()
> return dict(parseddata = parseddata)
> View:
> {{ for parseddata in parseddata: }}
> <l>{{=XML(parseddata)}}</li>
> {{pass}}
> I am missing something here. Could you please help.
> Regards
> On Monday, March 5, 2012 10:14:46 PM UTC+5:30, yamandu wrote:
>> You can do something like in
>> :
>> Parsing
>> The TAG object is also an XML/HTML parser. It can read text and
>> convert into a tree structure of helpers. This allows manipulation
>> using the API above:
>> >>> html = '<h1>Title</h1><p>this is a <span>test</span></p>'
>> >>> parsed_html = TAG(html)
>> >>> parsed_html.element('span')[0]='TEST'
>> >>> print parsed_html
>> <h1>Title</h1><p>this is a <span>TEST</span></p>
>> 2012/3/5 Praveen Bhat <>:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I am using API to display weather info.
>> > The
>> > API returns the data in XML format.
>> >
>> > How can i render the same in a HTML page in Web2py.
>> >
>> > Link for accessing the API Data:
>> >
>> > Weather API
>> >
>> > I have done the same in PHP as following:
>> >
>> > <?
>> > $xml =
>> >
>> > simplexml_load_file('');
>> > $current = $xml->xpath("/data/current_condition");
>> > ?>
>> >
>> > <div class="weather">
>> > <p><h5>Weather :</h5>
>> > <?= $current[0]->temp_C ?>&deg; C,
>> > <?= $current[0]->weatherDesc ?></p>
>> > </div>
>> >
>> > How can I do the same in web2py?
>> >
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> > Praveen
>> >
>> --
>> Carlos J. Costa
>> Cientista da Computação
>> Esp. Gestão em Telecom
>> אָמֵן

Carlos J. Costa
Cientista da Computação
Esp. Gestão em Telecom


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