You will need to pass the post ID in the url or var or something.
And I think you want to show comments related to the post not another posts.

comments = db(

Pass this to the view.

2012/3/6 Ale <>:
> Good morning everyone. I am making a simple application, but I'm running
> into some doubt. I wanted to do something like thefacebook posts .. Where I
> have a site that I put a post, listed below are all posts with the option
> to comment on them. So far so good .. But how to write the data's
> comment in a post post correct? Attached I am sending the screen of my
> application, I think it is easier to visualize
> what I wanted. Transmission also Model / View / Controller. If you can help
> me will be grateful.
> I'd have to get the id of the post via ajax?
> My model:
> Post = db.define_table('post',
>     Field('title'),
>     Field('post'),
>     format="%(title)s"
>     )
> Comment = db.define_table('comment',
>     Field('post', 'reference post'),
>     Field('comment')
>     )
> My Controller
> def index():
>     form = SQLFORM(Post,
>                     formstyle="divs",
>                     submit_button="Postar").process()
>     form2 = SQLFORM.factory(
>                     Field('comment', requires=IS_NOT_EMPTY()),
>                     formstyle="divs",
>                     submit_button="Comentar")
>     if form2.process().accepted:
>         print request.vars
>         print request.args
>         response.flash = 'form accepted'
>     elif form2.errors:
>         response.flash = 'form has errors'
>     else:
>         response.flash = 'please fill out the form'
>     posts = db().select(Post.ALL)
>     return dict(form=form, form2=form2, posts=posts)
> my view:
> <div class="post">
>     {{=form.custom.begin}}
>         <p>Title</p>
>         {{=form.custom.widget.title}}
>         <p>Post</p>
>         {{}}
>         {{=form.custom.submit}}
>     {{=form.custom.end}}
> </div>
> <div class="posts">
>     {{for post in posts:}}
>         <li class="posts" id=post_{{}}>
>             <p>{{}}</p>
>             <p>{{}}
>             <div class="comment">
>                 {{=form2.custom.begin}}
>                     {{=form2.custom.widget.comment}}
>                     {{=form2.custom.submit}}
>                 {{=form2.custom.end}}
>             </div>
>         </li>
>     {{pass}}
> </div>

Carlos J. Costa
Cientista da Computação
Esp. Gestão em Telecom


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