Looks its a timeout.
Maybe I am wrong but you can state an update too many records. GAE has
time limitations, I dont know how much because I dont use it anymore.
Search for the GAE docs on these limitations.

2012/3/6 Sushant Taneja <sushant.tanej...@gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> I am building a invite module.
> In the controller, I have the following code :
> try:
> .... some initial stuff
>    try:
>        ... some stuff
>        update_request_query = (db.INVITE_SIGNUP.email_id ==
> request_email_id)
>  db(update_request_query).update(activation_key=key,activation_url=activation_url)
>         ... some other stuff
>    except (Timeout,TransactionFailedError,InternalError), derr:
>                     logger.warn('Datastore exception for ID: '+
> request_email_id +': '+ str(derr))
> except (Error, Exception), ex:
>             logger.error('Fatal Error: '+ request_email_id +': '+ str(ex))
> The problem is that the update statement is not working on GAE. The fields
> which need to be updated are NULL and no error is thrown.
> From my observation, this is happening once a day approx around the time
> when daily quota is reset.
> Am I doing something wrong here ?
> Thanks,
> Sushant

Carlos J. Costa
Cientista da Computação
Esp. Gestão em Telecom


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