Can you please test it? I can test it only on monday.

    or you can customize the search for user:
            mode='custom', server='my.ldap.server',
    the custom_scope can be: base, onelevel, subtree.

2012. március 16., péntek 3:15:10 UTC+1 időpontban IVINH a következőt írta:
> Hi all,
> This my code for LDAP:
>    from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth 
> auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth(mode='cn',server='myserver',base_dn='ou=subdomain1,o=domain,c=com',port=389))
> This works fine when I explicitely query SUBDOMAIN1 with the users that 
> are in that domain (user1, user2, ...)
> My problem is that at runtime, I don't know what subdomain the users are 
> from and I don't want to query all subdomains one after the other to find 
> user information.
> Is these a way to query the entire directory (root) for users without 
> knowing what subdomains they are in? If not, is there another better way to 
> do this?
> Thank advance.
import sys
import logging
    import ldap
    import ldap.filter
    ldap.set_option( ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0 )
except Exception, e:
    logging.error( 'missing ldap, try "easy_install python-ldap"' )
    raise e

def ldap_auth( server = 'ldap', port = None,
            base_dn = 'ou=users,dc=domain,dc=com',
            mode = 'uid', secure = False, cert_path = None, cert_file = None,
            bind_dn = None, bind_pw = None, filterstr = 'objectClass=*',
            username_attrib = 'uid',
            custom_scope = 'subtree',
            allowed_groups = None,
            manage_user = False,
            user_firstname_attrib = 'cn:1',
            user_lastname_attrib = 'cn:2',
            user_mail_attrib = 'mail',
            manage_groups = False,
            db = None,
            group_dn = None,
            group_name_attrib = 'cn',
            group_member_attrib = 'memberUid',
            group_filterstr = 'objectClass=*' ):

    to use ldap login with MS Active Directory:

        from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
            mode='ad', server='my.domain.controller',

    to use ldap login with Notes Domino:


    to use ldap login with OpenLDAP:

            server='my.ldap.server', base_dn='ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com'))

    to use ldap login with OpenLDAP and subtree search and (optionally) multiple DNs:

            mode='uid_r', server='my.ldap.server',

    or (if using CN):

            mode='cn', server='my.ldap.server',

    or you can customize the search for user:
            mode='custom', server='my.ldap.server',
    the custom_scope can be: base, onelevel, subtree.
    If using secure ldaps:// pass secure=True and cert_path="..."
    If ldap is using GnuTLS then you need cert_file="..." instead cert_path because
    cert_path isn't implemented in GnuTLS :(

    If you need to bind to the directory with an admin account in order to search it then specify bind_dn & bind_pw to use for this.
    - currently only implemented for Active Directory

    If you need to restrict the set of allowed users (e.g. to members of a department) then specify
    a rfc4515 search filter string.
    - currently only implemented for mode in ['ad', 'company', 'uid_r']

    You can manage user attribute first name, last name, email from ldap:
        auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth( usual...,
            manage_user = True,
            user_firstname_attrib = 'cn:1',
            user_lastname_attrib = 'cn:2',
            user_mail_attrib = 'mail'
        manage_user - let web2py handle user data from ldap
        user_firstname_attrib - the attribute containing the user's first name
                                optionally you can specify parts.
                                Example: cn: "John Smith" - 'cn:1' = 'John'
        user_lastname_attrib - the attribute containing the user's last name
                                optionally you can specify parts.
                                Example: cn: "John Smith" - 'cn:2' = 'Smith'
        user_mail_attrib - the attribure containing the user's email address
    If you need group control from ldap to web2py app's database feel free to set:

        auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth( usual...,
            manage_groups = True,
            db = db,
            group_dn = 'ou=Groups,dc=domain,dc=com',
            group_name_attrib = 'cn',
            group_member_attrib = 'memberUid',
            group_filterstr = 'objectClass=*'
        manage_group - let web2py handle the groups from ldap
        db - is the database object (need to have auth_user, auth_group, auth_membership)
        group_dn - the ldap branch of the groups
        group_name_attrib - the attribute where the group name is stored
        group_member_attrib - the attribute containing the group members name
        group_filterstr - as the filterstr but for group select
    You can restrict login access to specific groups if you specify:
        auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth( usual...,
            allowed_groups = [...],
            group_dn = 'ou=Groups,dc=domain,dc=com',
            group_name_attrib = 'cn',
            group_member_attrib = 'memberUid',
            group_filterstr = 'objectClass=*'

        allowed_groups - a list with allowed ldap group names
        group_dn - the ldap branch of the groups
        group_name_attrib - the attribute where the group name is stored
        group_member_attrib - the attibute containing the group members name
        group_filterstr - as the filterstr but for group select

    def ldap_auth_aux( username,
                      ldap_server = server,
                      ldap_port = port,
                      ldap_basedn = base_dn,
                      ldap_mode = mode,
                      ldap_binddn = bind_dn,
                      ldap_bindpw = bind_pw,
                      secure = secure,
                      cert_path = cert_path,
                      cert_file = cert_file,
                      filterstr = filterstr,
                      username_attrib = username_attrib,
                      custom_scope = custom_scope,
                      manage_user = manage_user,
                      user_firstname_attrib = user_firstname_attrib,
                      user_lastname_attrib = user_lastname_attrib,
                      user_mail_attrib = user_mail_attrib,
                      manage_groups = manage_groups,
                      allowed_groups = allowed_groups,
                      db = db ):
        if manage_user:
            if user_firstname_attrib.count( ':' ) > 0:
                ( user_firstname_attrib, user_firstname_part ) = user_firstname_attrib.split( ':', 1 )
                user_firstname_part = ( int( user_firstname_part ) - 1 )
                user_firstname_part = None
            if user_lastname_attrib.count( ':' ) > 0:
                ( user_lastname_attrib, user_lastname_part ) = user_lastname_attrib.split( ':', 1 )
                user_lastname_part = ( int( user_lastname_part ) - 1 )
                user_lastname_part = None
            user_firstname_attrib = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( user_firstname_attrib )
            user_lastname_attrib = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( user_lastname_attrib )
            user_mail_attrib = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( user_mail_attrib )
            con = init_ldap()
            if allowed_groups:
                if not is_user_in_allowed_groups( username ):
                    return False
            if ldap_mode == 'ad':
                # Microsoft Active Directory
                if '@' not in username:
                    domain = []
                    for x in ldap_basedn.split( ',' ):
                        if "DC=" in x.upper():
                            domain.append( x.split( '=' )[-1] )
                    username = "%s@%s" % ( username, '.'.join( domain ) )
                username_bare = username.split( "@" )[0]
                con.set_option( ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 )
                # In cases where ForestDnsZones and DomainDnsZones are found, 
                # result will look like the following: 
                # ['ldap://,DC=domain,DC=com'] 
                if ldap_binddn:
                    # need to search directory with an admin account 1st
                    con.simple_bind_s( ldap_binddn, ldap_bindpw )
                    # credentials should be in the form of usern...@domain.tld
                    con.simple_bind_s( username, password )
                # this will throw an index error if the account is not found
                # in the ldap_basedn
                requested_attrs = ['sAMAccountName']
                if manage_user:
                    requested_attrs.extend( [user_firstname_attrib,
                                          user_mail_attrib] )
                result = con.search_ext_s( 
                    ldap_basedn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
                    "(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(%s))" % ( ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( username_bare ),
                                                    filterstr ),
                                        requested_attrs )[0][1]
                if not isinstance( result, dict ):
                    # result should be a dict in the form {'sAMAccountName': [username_bare]} 
                    return False
                if ldap_binddn:
                    # We know the user exists & is in the correct OU
                    # so now we just check the password
                    con.simple_bind_s( username, password )

            if ldap_mode == 'domino':
                # Notes Domino
                if "@" in username:
                    username = username.split( "@" )[0]
                con.simple_bind_s( username, password )
                if manage_user:
                    # TODO: sorry I have no clue how to query attrs in domino
                    result = {user_firstname_attrib: username,
                                user_lastname_attrib: None,
                                user_mail_attrib: None}

            if ldap_mode == 'cn':
                # OpenLDAP (CN)
                dn = "cn=" + username + "," + ldap_basedn
                con.simple_bind_s( dn, password )
                if manage_user:
                    result = con.search_s( 
                                      dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE,

            if ldap_mode == 'uid':
                # OpenLDAP (UID)
                dn = "uid=" + username + "," + ldap_basedn
                con.simple_bind_s( dn, password )
                if manage_user:
                    result = con.search_s( 
                                      dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE,

            if ldap_mode == 'company':
                # no DNs or password needed to search directory
                dn = ""
                pw = ""
                # bind anonymously
                con.simple_bind_s( dn, pw )
                # search by e-mail address
                filter = '(&(mail=' + ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( username ) + \
                         ')(' + filterstr + '))'
                # find the uid
                attrs = ['uid']
                if manage_user:
                	attrs.extend( [user_firstname_attrib,
                              user_mail_attrib] )
                # perform the actual search
                company_search_result = con.search_s( ldap_basedn,
                                                   filter, attrs )
                dn = company_search_result[0][0]
                result = company_search_result[0][1]
                # perform the real authentication test
                con.simple_bind_s( dn, password )

            if ldap_mode == 'uid_r':
                # OpenLDAP (UID) with subtree search and multiple DNs
                if type( ldap_basedn ) == type( [] ):
                    basedns = ldap_basedn
                    basedns = [ldap_basedn]
                filter = '(&(uid=%s)(%s))' % ( ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( username ), filterstr )
                finded = False
                for basedn in basedns:
                        result = con.search_s( basedn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter )
                        if result:
                            user_dn = result[0][0]
                            # Check the password
                            con.simple_bind_s( user_dn, password )
                            finded = True
                    except ldap.LDAPError, detail:
                        ( exc_type, exc_value ) = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                        sys.stderr.write( "ldap_auth: searching %s for %s resulted in %s: %s\n" %
                                         ( basedn, filter, exc_type, exc_value ) )
                if not finded:
                    return False
                result = result[0][1]
            if ldap_mode == 'custom':
                # OpenLDAP (username_attrs) with subtree search and multiple DNs
                if type( ldap_basedn ) == type( [] ):
                    basedns = ldap_basedn
                    basedns = [ldap_basedn]
                filter = '(&(%s=%s)(%s))' % ( username_attrs, ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( username ), filterstr )
                if custom_scope == 'subtree':
                    ldap_scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
                elif custom_scope == 'base':
                    ldap_scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
                elif custom_scope == 'onelevel':
                    ldap_scope = ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL
                finded = False
                for basedn in basedns:
                        result = con.search_s( basedn, ldap_scope, filter )
                        if result:
                            user_dn = result[0][0]
                            # Check the password
                            con.simple_bind_s( user_dn, password )
                            finded = True
                    except ldap.LDAPError, detail:
                        ( exc_type, exc_value ) = sys.exc_info()[:2]
                        sys.stderr.write( "ldap_auth: searching %s for %s resulted in %s: %s\n" %
                                         ( basedn, filter, exc_type, exc_value ) )
                if not finded:
                    return False
                result = result[0][1]
            if manage_user:
                    if not user_firstname_part == None:
                        store_user_firstname = result[user_firstname_attrib][0].split( ' ', 1 )[user_firstname_part]
                        store_user_firstname = result[user_firstname_attrib][0]
                except KeyError, e:
                    store_user_firstname = None
                    if not user_lastname_part == None:
                        store_user_lastname = result[user_lastname_attrib][0].split( ' ', 1 )[user_lastname_part]
                        store_user_lastname = result[user_lastname_attrib][0]
                except KeyError, e:
                    store_user_lastname = None
                    store_user_mail = result[user_mail_attrib][0]
                except KeyError, e:
                    store_user_mail = None
                    # user as username
                    # #################
                    user_in_db = db( db.auth_user.username == username )
                    if user_in_db.count() > 0:
                        user_in_db.update( first_name = store_user_firstname,
                                        last_name = store_user_lastname,
                                        email = store_user_mail )
                      db.auth_user.insert( first_name = store_user_firstname,
                                        last_name = store_user_lastname,
                                        email = store_user_mail,
                                        username = username )
                    # user as email
                    # ##############
                    user_in_db = db( == username )
                    if user_in_db.count() > 0:
                        user_in_db.update( first_name = store_user_firstname,
                                        last_name = store_user_lastname,
                      db.auth_user.insert( first_name = store_user_firstname,
                                        last_name = store_user_lastname,
                                        email = username

            if manage_groups:
                do_manage_groups( username )

            return True
        except ldap.LDAPError, e:
            return False
        except IndexError, ex: # for AD membership test
            return False

    def is_user_in_allowed_groups( username,
                                  allowed_groups = allowed_groups
            Figure out if the username is a member of an allowed group in ldap or not
        # Get all group name where the user is in actually in ldap
        # #########################################################
        ldap_groups_of_the_user = get_user_groups_from_ldap( username )

        # search for allowed group names
        if type( allowed_groups ) != type( list() ):
            allowed_groups = [allowed_groups]
        for group in allowed_groups:
            if ldap_groups_of_the_user.count( group ) > 0:
                # Match
                return True
        # No match
        return False

    def do_manage_groups( username,
                      db = db,
            Manage user groups
            Get all user's group from ldap and refresh the already stored
            ones in web2py's application database or create new groups
            according to ldap.
        # Get all group name where the user is in actually in ldap
        # #########################################################
        ldap_groups_of_the_user = get_user_groups_from_ldap( username )

        # Get all group name where the user is in actually in local db
        # #############################################################
            db_user_id = db( db.auth_user.username == username ).select( ).first().id
                db_user_id = db( == username ).select( ).first().id
            except AttributeError, e:
                # There is no user in local db
                # We create one
                # ##############################
                    db_user_id = db.auth_user.insert( username = username,
                                                    first_name = username )
                except AttributeError, e:
                    db_user_id = db.auth_user.insert( email = username,
                                                    first_name = username )
        if not db_user_id:
            logging.error( 'There is no username or email for %s!' % username )
        db_group_search = db( ( db.auth_membership.user_id == db_user_id ) & \
                            ( == db.auth_membership.user_id ) & \
                             ( == db.auth_membership.group_id ) )
        db_groups_of_the_user = list()
        db_group_id = dict()

        if db_group_search.count() > 0:
            for group in, db.auth_group.role, distinct = True ):
                db_group_id[group.role] =
                db_groups_of_the_user.append( group.role )
        logging.debug( 'db groups of user %s: %s' % ( username, str( db_groups_of_the_user ) ) )

        # Delete user membership from groups where user is not anymore
        # #############################################################
        for group_to_del in db_groups_of_the_user:
            if ldap_groups_of_the_user.count( group_to_del ) == 0:
                db( ( db.auth_membership.user_id == db_user_id ) & \
                   ( db.auth_membership.group_id == db_group_id[group_to_del] ) ).delete()

        # Create user membership in groups where user is not in already
        # ##############################################################
        for group_to_add in ldap_groups_of_the_user:
            if db_groups_of_the_user.count( group_to_add ) == 0:
                if db( db.auth_group.role == group_to_add ).count() == 0:
                    gid = db.auth_group.insert( role = group_to_add,
                                         description = 'Generated from LDAP' )
                    gid = db( db.auth_group.role == group_to_add ).select( ).first().id
                db.auth_membership.insert( user_id = db_user_id,
                                          group_id = gid )

    def init_ldap( 
                      ldap_server = server,
                      ldap_port = port,
                      ldap_basedn = base_dn,
                      ldap_mode = mode,
                      secure = secure,
                      cert_path = cert_path,
                      cert_file = cert_file
            Inicialize ldap connection
        if secure:
            if not ldap_port:
                ldap_port = 636
            con = ldap.initialize( 
                "ldaps://" + ldap_server + ":" + str( ldap_port ) )
            if cert_path:
                con.set_option( ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, cert_path )
            if cert_file:
                con.set_option( ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, cert_file )
            if not ldap_port:
                ldap_port = 389
            con = ldap.initialize( 
                "ldap://"; + ldap_server + ":" + str( ldap_port ) )
        return con

    def get_user_groups_from_ldap( username,
                      base_dn = base_dn,
                      ldap_binddn = bind_dn,
                      ldap_bindpw = bind_pw,
                      group_dn = group_dn,
                      group_name_attrib = group_name_attrib,
                      group_member_attrib = group_member_attrib,
                      group_filterstr = group_filterstr,
            Get all group names from ldap where the user is in
        # Get all group name where the user is in actually in ldap
        # #########################################################
        # Inicialize ldap
        if not group_dn:
            group_dn = base_dn
        con = init_ldap()
        if ldap_binddn:
            # need to search directory with an bind_dn account 1st
            con.simple_bind_s( ldap_binddn, ldap_bindpw )
            # bind as anonymous
            con.simple_bind_s( '', '' )

        # search for groups where user is in
        filter = '(&(%s=%s)(%s))' % ( ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( group_member_attrib ),
                                    ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars( username ),
                                     group_filterstr )
        group_search_result = con.search_s( group_dn,
                                                   filter, [group_name_attrib] )
        ldap_groups_of_the_user = list()
        for group_row in group_search_result:
            group = group_row[1]
            ldap_groups_of_the_user.extend( group[group_name_attrib] )

        return list( ldap_groups_of_the_user )

    if filterstr[0] == '(' and filterstr[-1] == ')': # rfc4515 syntax
        filterstr = filterstr[1:-1] # parens added again where used
    return ldap_auth_aux

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