ok i thought about this too.
But when you have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list 
that's not really nice.
And it take twolines.

Summon Massimo can't we make a one line methode to do that ?

Regards and thanks

Le lundi 2 avril 2012 10:00:23 UTC+2, Manuele a écrit :
> Il 01/04/2012 23:23, bussiere adrien ha scritto:
> > ok i see the example :
> > >>>  db.define_table('tag',Field('name'),format='%(name)s')
> > >>>  db.define_table('product',
> >          Field('name'),
> >          Field('tags','list:reference tag'))
> > >>>  a=db.tag.insert(name='red')
> > >>>  b=db.tag.insert(name='green')
> > >>>  c=db.tag.insert(name='blue')
> > >>>  db.product.insert(name='Toy Car',tags=[a,b,c])
> > *but if after i make :*
> > d=db.tag.insert(name='purple')
> >
> > how to add d to db.product ? with a,b,c who were already here ?
> I use to:
> 1. extract the values in a variable
> 2. append the new value to the list variable
> 3. update the value in table
>      M.
> >
> > Regards
> > Bussiere
> >
> > *
> > *

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