Also, SQLField() has been deprecated in favor of Field().


On Monday, April 2, 2012 2:38:51 PM UTC-4, visuallinux wrote:
> Dear All.
> I have the followings on models:
> db.define_table('province',
>            SQLField('name', 'string', length=50, required=True, 
> default=None))
> db.define_table('cities',
>            SQLField('name', 'string', length=50, required=True),
>            SQLField('id_province',db.province, 
> required=IS_IN_SET(db.province)))
> db.define_table('customer',
>            SQLField('name', 'string', length=50, required=True),
>            SQLField('id_province',db.province, 
> required=IS_IN_SET(db.province)),
>           SQLField('id_cities',db.cities, required=IS_IN_SET(db.cities)))
> I need to implement a FORM for create customers so when i selected a 
> options in SELECT province the SELECT cities automatically add the cities 
> that belong to the province SELECTED.
> Any idea how i can do?
> Fernando.

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