Well I know the major bottle neck in the site is the binary tree. I am
still trying to figure out how to do this the best and most efficient. If
this was a stand alone app in c/c++ this would all be in memory which
wouldn't be such a problem. However how this is implemented it needs to
query through the database to find nodes. As you can imagine as we get more
and more members this will take much longer to run.

See bellow code, binary_tree is called from a action and distributor is a
database object IE: db(db.distributors.id == id).select().first()

def binary_tree(self, original_dist, distributor, levels, counter=0,

        children = []
        left_count = right_count = counter
        target_month = month

        if distributor.left_id and left_count < levels:
            left_count += 1
            #print "left - A", distributor.left_id
distributor.left_id, levels, left_count, target_month))

        if distributor.right_id and right_count < levels:
            right_count += 1
            #print "right - B", distributor.right_id
distributor.right_id, levels, right_count, target_month))

        if distributor.sponsor_id == original_dist:
            sponsored_by_original = True
            sponsored_by_original = False

        tree = {
            'id': ("B" if distributor.side else "A") + "-" +
            'name': "<img src='/static/images/" + \
            ("top_tree_icon.png" if distributor.id == original_dist
else ("sponsored_tree_icon.png" if sponsored_by_original else
"user_tree_icon.png")) + \
            "' id='img-" + ("B" if distributor.side else "A") + "-" +
str(distributor.id) + "' /><span class='idlabel'>" + \
+ "-" + ("B" if distributor.side else "A") + \
            "</span><div class='userinfo' id='id-" + ("B" if
distributor.side else "A") + "-" + \
            str(distributor.id) + "'><ul><li class='userinfotop'><h4>"
+ distributor.display_name + "</h4><span>" + \
            self.T("A CV:") + "<b>" +
(str(distributor.left_id.binary_cv_total) if distributor.left_id else
str(0)) + \
            "</b></span><span>" + self.T("B CV:") + "<b>" +
(str(distributor.right_id.binary_cv_total) if distributor.right_id
else str(0)) + \
            "</b></span></li><li  class='userinfobottom'><p>" +
self.T("Sponsored by me ") + (self.T("YES") if sponsored_by_original
else self.T("NO")) + \
            "</p><p>" + (self.T("Has down lines") if
distributor.right_id or distributor.left_id else self.T("Has no down
lines")) + "</p><p>" + \
            (self.T("Disqualified ") if not distributor.quali_bonus
else self.T("Qualified ")) + self.T("to get bonus") +
            'children': children

        return tree

*# This is the biggest bottle neck of our entire application. Need a much
better way to handle tree traversing.*

def traversingTree(self, distributor, list):
        if distributor:
            left_node = distributor.left_id
            right_node = distributor.right_id
            if left_node:

            if right_node:

    def bottom_right_b(self, distributor):
        right_id = None
        cur_dist = distributor
        while cur_dist.right_id:
            right_id = cur_dist.right_id
            cur_dist = cur_dist.right_id
        print "Right Bottom", right_id
        return right_id

    def bottom_left_a(self, distributor):
        left_id = None
        cur_dist = distributor
        while cur_dist.left_id:
            left_id = cur_dist.left_id
            cur_dist = cur_dist.left_id
        print "Left Bottom", left_id
        return left_id

On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 8:16 AM, Massimo Di Pierro <
massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right....what? [changing color to red] Note to self. Never do math before
> fully waking up.
> Correction: 2 reqs/second/server. (1M/24/60/60/6 servers). Still ok from
> web2py prospective.
> If all requests hit the database once: 12 reqs/second. It really depends
> of what those requests do.
> Massimo
> On Saturday, 7 April 2012 09:33:38 UTC-5, Anthony wrote:
>> 1M reqs/day is 7 reqs/minute.
>> Now we know how Massimo gets so much done -- his days are 2400 hours
>> long. ;-)

Bruce Wade
http://www.fittraineronline.com - Fitness Personal Trainers Online

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