On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 15:06:26 -0200
Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:


> I want every one to be able to use it, customize it and deploys, sell
> support, sell as a service. But I want to keep it Open Source (I
> mean, I dont want someone to take the code and release a tool called
> "blablabla" which is not open source)

I've been away from web2py for some time still using Concrete5 CMS (PHP)
and today checked what's new in Django arena - there are few apps which
combine or have nice solutions for general CMS + blog + ecommerce like
Mezzanine, Django-CMS, FeinCMS...

Otoh, I'm aware that it is just question of time when we'd have to move
from PHP to (probably) Python, and considering we prefer web2py project
over Django, we wonder whether Movuca is becoming THE Web2py CMS
platform and whether it provides blog & ecommerce solution along with
general CMS part?

I know that Massimo was talking about web2py CMS priority after 2.0
release, but it was long ago and there is still no 2.0...


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