On Apr 16, 2012, at 10:57 AM, Wikus van de Merwe wrote:
> For this type of routing where you don't use complex regular expressions, it 
> is better to use the simple router.
> It could make selected functions of the default controller in the default 
> application available directly, i.e.
> /f1 == /my_app/default_controller/f1
> To have "/rules" mapped to "/aggat/default/rules", you only need this in your 
> routes.py:
> routers = dict(
>     BASE = dict(
>         default_application = "aggat",
>         functions = ["rules"]
>     )
> )

There's actually no need to specify the functions list (and if you do, it's 
important to list all the functions in the default controller):

routers = dict(
    BASE = dict(
        default_application = "aggat",

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