In order to isolate the problem, let's check if this is a sqlite:memory 
issue. Can you reproduce the problem with sqlite://storage.db ?

On Wednesday, 18 April 2012 17:41:22 UTC-5, nick name wrote:
> I can reproduce this problem on both Linux and Windows (have no access to 
> a Mac), and Massimo cannot reproduce this on his Mac. Perhaps something is 
> borked about all my python installations (some site-packages I use or 
> something). Can you help test? Just go into the web2py directory, and start 
> python with the following script (or just start python and paste the script 
> into the python console)
> #!/usr/bin/python
> #encoding: utf-8
> # get a web2py database environment
> import sys
> sys.path.append('../../')
> from gluon.dal import DAL
> while 1:
>     mydal = DAL('sqlite:memory')
>     sys.stdout.write('.')
>     sys.stdout.flush()
>     mydal._adapter.close()
> For me: memory usage grows at about 20MB/sec, measured with htop on linux 
> and TaskManager on windows. If I wait enough time, all the memory is eaten 
> up. If you drop the last line (mydal._adapter.close()) the memory will be 
> eaten much more quickly for me.
> Thanks.
> Issue reference: 731<>: 
> Standalone DAL is leaking memory+resources (don't know whether or not 
> inside web2py)

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