Do you use a custom search_menu or do you call it explicitly? Yes the API 
for this thing have changed (for the better). This was clearly marked in 
the book as an experimental feature. If you show us your code, I can tell 
you now to adapt it. Yet, without seeing your code I can not 100% sure this 
is not a bug.

On Friday, 20 April 2012 04:44:08 UTC-5, Johann Spies wrote:
> Thanks for the bootstrap css and js in the trunk.  I am trying it out and 
> found  a problem when used with the grid:
> <div class="web2py_grid ui-widget">
> <div class="web2py_console ui-widget-header ui-corner-top">
> <form method="GET" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="
> /akb/default/journals?_signature=fb9d14a26ea79a28a314824f88ae437eb06e5c6f"
> >
> (&lt;gluon.html.INPUT object at 0x44b41a10&gt;, &lt;gluon.html.DIV object 
> at 0x44b41a50&gt;, &lt;gluon.html.SCRIPT object at 0x44b419d0&gt;)
> <input id="web2py_keywords" type="text" name="keywords">
> <input type="submit" value="Search">
> <input type="submit" value="Clear" onclick="jQuery('#web2py_keywords').val
> ('');">
> </form>
> <div class="web2py_search_actions">
> <a class=" ui-button-text-icon-primary" href="
> /akb/default/journals/csv?keywords=&_signature=3426fe922790479108aaa007c8ea934a2f5f8928
> ">
> <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-transferthick-e-w"></span>
> <span class="ui-button-text" title="Export">Export</span>
> </a>
> </div>
> <div class="web2py_counter">11106 records found</div>
> </div>
> Regards
> Johann

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