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On Apr 20, 2012 2:24 PM, "Simon Pickles" <> wrote:

> Thanks I suspected my path was a little wrong.
> Still got the problem that the image border appears then whole thing
> vanishes.
> On Friday, 20 April 2012 08:19:23 UTC+1, Simon Pickles wrote:
>> Hi,
>> New to web2py and having trouble with simple HTML in a view. In my
>> default/index.html:
>> {{=IMG(_src=URL('static','**images/map420x200.png'))}}
>> <img src="static/images/map420x200.**png" style="border: 2px;
>> width:420px; height:200px;"/>
>> The first line works, rendering the map png. However, the second HTML
>> equivalent doesnt. The bordered box appears empty then disappears. Is my
>> path wrong?
>> The app is just created using wizard, and default layout.
>> Thanks
>> Simon

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