On Apr 23, 2012, at 12:02 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> This is not the same as before. Anyway, I am not sure myself this is a good 
> idea but, in principle there is no need to make the entire page editable. The 
> editable part can be restricted to one div in the page (perhaps more than one 
> div eventually). In that case it will be possible to swap themes as long as 
> they have compatible divs (same ids).

That, I think, is the key to making this approach useful. One thing that might 
help would be to have levels of authorization, along the lines of 
designer/administrator/user, presumably using web2py roles, so that different 
kinds of users would have more or less restricted editing access.

The least permissive level would be a block that allowed text-only entry, with 
no markup at all. Up from there, some kind of safe-markup-only restriction, 
along the lines of what a WordPress author is allowed to do through its editor. 
Think web2py validators, perhaps.

In Expression Engine, when you edit a page the various containers on a page are 
presented as an html form. So suppose your "more than one div" above were 
mapped into a form, one field per div, with validators enforcing the content 
restrictions. A page with a calendar entry might offer fields for date, title 
and description, where date had a date validator, title a text-only validator 
with a length restriction, and description allows safe markup.

If the underlying template allowed enough metadata to label the fields and 
perhaps supply col3 help, you'd be all set. And all leveraging existing web2py 

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