I don't know how to read the tickets web2py generates on app engine. On 
devserver, the tickets are shown in their entirety, but on the production 
server, the datastore viewer only shows the first 1000 or so characters. I 
can't figure out a way to see the entire ticket. 

The database management (appadmin) page doesn't show the tickets table, 
although it shows web2py_session_rage.

So, I wrote this action in a controller:

def download_ticket():

id = request.args[0]

rec = db (db.web2py_ticket_rage.id == id).select().first() 

return rec.ticket_data

where web2py_ticket_rage is the name of the table where the tickets are 
stored according to the dashboard. But when I execute, this exception is 
KeyError: 'web2py_ticket_rage'

Fortunately, there is a lot of information in the app engine logs, but I 
would still like to see the ticket. So, is therea way to view tickets on 
app engine? 

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