hello one and all, i am curious about using a cloud, like Amazon EC2. i don't know anything about it. but i am curious. i have always setup my own server and run, but my needs have changed for more media and the throughput of my internet will be challenged if i try to host my server locally. so i am thinking of off-sighting it.
i am very used to CentOS, and free version of Redhat Enterprise, and the current version of v6.x lets the web2py install script run flawlessly without all kinds of package dependency issues and cross issues. does Amazon EC2 allow me to install or have my own CentOS 6.x install? if amazon EC2 allows that centos 6.x install, then i can easily install web2py, and postgresql 9.x, and apache and run my own server off-site. does anyone foresee me having issues if i can do that at all? thanx in advance and i look forward to your experienced opinions. lucas