I am also using 1.99.7 with chrome on mac and it works for me. Perhaps you 
expect a different behavior.
The time field does not use timepicker (it used to). It uses jquery 
timeentry. It has no popups.
If you start typing a number into the field, it will format it as time and 
will allow you to use arrows to change hhh:mm:ss.

On Friday, 4 May 2012 23:19:01 UTC-5, Vincent Davis wrote:
> version 1.99.7 mac
> I have tried Chrome and Safari (osx 10.7)
> Just used the wizard to build a simple app. No modification from wizard. 
> see db below
> ### we prepend t_ to tablenames and f_ to fieldnames for disambiguity
> ########################################
> db.define_table('t_children',
>     Field('f_first_name', type='string', notnull=True,
>           label=T('First Name')),
>     Field('f_last_name', type='string', notnull=True,
>           label=T('Last Name')),
>     Field('f_dob', type='date', notnull=True,
>           label=T('Dob')),
>     auth.signature,
>     format='%(f_first_name)s',
>     migrate=settings.migrate)
> db.define_table('t_children_archive',db.t_children,Field('current_record','reference
> t_children',readable=False,writable=False))
> ########################################
> db.define_table('t_parents',
>     Field('f_first_name1', type='string', notnull=True,
>           label=T('First Name1')),
>     Field('f_last_name1', type='string', notnull=True,
>           label=T('Last Name1')),
>     Field('f_first_name2', type='string', notnull=True,
>           label=T('First Name2')),
>     Field('f_last_name2', type='string', notnull=True,
>           label=T('Last Name2')),
>     Field('f_phone', type='string',
>           label=T('Phone')),
>     Field('f_children', type='list:reference t_children',
>           label=T('Children')),
>     auth.signature,
>     format='%(f_first_name1)s',
>     migrate=settings.migrate)
> db.define_table('t_parents_archive',db.t_parents,Field('current_record','reference
> t_parents',readable=False,writable=False))
> ########################################
> db.define_table('t_reservation',
>     Field('f_room', type='string', notnull=True,
>           label=T('Room')),
>     Field('f_start', type='time',
>           label=T('Start')),
>     Field('f_end', type='time',
>           label=T('End')),
>     Field('f_day', type='date',
>           label=T('Day')),
>     Field('f_child', type='reference t_children', notnull=True,
>           label=T('Child')),
>     auth.signature,
>     format='%(f_room)s',
>     migrate=settings.migrate)
> db.define_table('t_reservation_archive',db.t_reservation,Field('current_record','reference
> t_reservation',readable=False,writable=False))
> On Friday, May 4, 2012 10:02:03 PM UTC-6, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> which web2py version are you using? Which browser?
>> On Friday, 4 May 2012 22:24:50 UTC-5, Vincent Davis wrote:
>>>    1. The web2py book suggests there is a time picker ajax built in. It 
>>>    does not work for me, both the date and datetime picker does. 
>>>    http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/11#web2py_ajax.html  I 
>>>    don't get the time picker shown here or any time picker.
>>>    2. I would like to only display time in 15min increments. is it 
>>>    possible and should I do this with a drop down rather than a ajax?
>>>    3. Ultimately the think I would like a multi select dropdown showing 
>>>    15min increments with a second column showing availability or only show 
>>>    those avalible. This seems doable and I think I have found examples to 
>>> do 
>>>    this except for the 15min increments.
>>> Thanks for any suggestions and help I am very new to web2py any examples 
>>> or pointers to examples would be great.
>>> Vincent

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