On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 9:50 PM, villas <villa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for this and I was interested to try it.
> FYI  I got this error:  AttributeError: 'MainPanel' object has no attribute
> 'terminal'
> Maybe it was the software I was using. Windows XP SP3, Python 2.7 and wx 2.8

Indeed, I only tested in Linux, it's the only platform I use.

You make me search for a WinXP VirtualBox image that I know
I had somewhere in an external disk. :)

Now it should be usable in Windows and Mac, since I fixed most of
the issues on those platforms.

But keep in mind that I made this app with vim playing a central role,
and for that I used python-vte that is available only in Linux, I guess.
So I have all the power of vim to edit.

For Mac and Windows I just put a Stintilla Control without anything
special, just a simple python syntax highlight - the editor is very limited.
So, for Mac and Windows this application probably it's only good to
do debugging.

Do a git pull and try again.


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