Lets hope Massimo fix that today in trunk

On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 12:28:50 PM UTC+1, kokoyo wrote:
> Hi  Costa , first im sorry for my wrong post above,It should be a new 
> post with new question. Actually i have same problem like you, 
> i did a quick test and have not solved this issue yet, here is what i did:
> set driver to use mongodb in: DB.py :
> if not request.env.web2py_runtime_gae:
>     ## if NOT running on Google App Engine use SQLite or other DB
>     #db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
>     db = DAL('mongodb://localhost:27017/foo') 
> Click Register on menu to put a new User into mongo, submit:
>     <type 'exceptions.ValueError'> invalid literal for int() with base 
> 10: 'koko'
> Go to web2py appadmin admindatabase, open 
> auth_user<>
>  table:
> Invalid Query 
> invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'koko' 
> Use mongo console to run query :
> db.auth_user.find({})
> new user is alread inserted into db,--> "insert" is done.
> but the error happens when mapping value and key or key type in DAL, im not 
> sure, the type of value is not match. looks like DAL understands ID field 
> is FirstName field.
>    - 
>    *File C:\w2py3\gluon\dal.py in parse_id at line 1641* code arguments 
>    variables
>    Function argument list
>    (self=<gluon.dal.MongoDBAdapter object>, value='koko', field_type='id')
>    Code listing
>    1636.
>    1637.
>    1638.
>    1639.
>    1640.
>    1641.
>    1642.
>    1643.
>    1644.
>    1645.
>            if not self.dbengine=='google:datastore':
>                value = bar_decode_string(value)
>            return value
>        def parse_id(self, value, field_type):
>            return int(value)
>        def parse_integer(self, value, field_type):
>            return int(value)
>    Variablesbuiltinint<type 'int'>value'koko'
> On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 7:42:56 PM UTC+9, Francisco Costa wrote:
>> I've enumerated fields and colnames and they are like this:
>> fields:
>> id
>> text
>> integer
>> string
>> colnames:
>> city
>> age
>> _id
>> name
>>  I believe they don't match and thats why there's this error:
>> File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 8134, in select
>> return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>> File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 4711, in select
>> return processor(rows,fields,colnames,False)
>> File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1681, in parse
>> self.parse_value(value, fields[j].type,blob_decode)
>> File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1575, in parse_value
>> return self.parsemap[key](value,field
>> _type)
>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1641, in parse_id
>>     return int(value)
>> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Toronto'
>> On Monday, May 7, 2012 11:40:36 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>> Please try again.
>>> On Monday, 7 May 2012 15:48:04 UTC-5, Francisco Costa wrote:
>>>> missing a colon at the end of the line 4677
>>>> if key == 'id'
>>>> and now I get this error
>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 8134, in select
>>>>     return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 4711, in select
>>>>     return processor(rows,columns,False)
>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1675, in parse
>>>>     for j,colname in enumerate(colnames):
>>>> TypeError: 'bool' object is not iterable
>>>> maybe because of the False on line 4711
>>>> On Monday, May 7, 2012 9:27:35 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for your help and check on this. I just committed a fix in 
>>>>> trunk that should address it. Please let me know.
>>>>> On Monday, 7 May 2012 15:19:40 UTC-5, Francisco Costa wrote:
>>>>>> I think that the mongofields_dict.keys() don't match to the data in 
>>>>>> the rows
>>>>>> mongofields_dict:
>>>>>> id
>>>>>> name
>>>>>> age
>>>>>> city
>>>>>> rows:
>>>>>> Toronto
>>>>>> 66L
>>>>>> 24652490551171733682233802752L
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> On Monday, May 7, 2012 8:42:33 PM UTC+1, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>>>>>>> Your linennumbers do not much the code in trunk. Please try the code 
>>>>>>> in trunk. Anyway, something goes wrong in the parse(self, rows, fields, 
>>>>>>> colnames, blob_decode=True) function. I suspect mongo does not return 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> columns in the order web2py think it does. Can you print the input of 
>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>> parse function?
>>>>>>> On Monday, 7 May 2012 13:20:39 UTC-5, Francisco Costa wrote:
>>>>>>>> So I have this:
>>>>>>>> import sys
>>>>>>>> import time
>>>>>>>> from gluon.dal import DAL, Field
>>>>>>>> mongo = DAL('mongodb://localhost:27017/tymr')
>>>>>>>> mongo.define_table('user',
>>>>>>>>              Field('name', 'text'),
>>>>>>>>              Field('age',  'integer'),
>>>>>>>>              Field('city', 'string')
>>>>>>>>              )
>>>>>>>> def insert_users():
>>>>>>>>     mongo.user.insert(name='John', age=66, city='Toronto')
>>>>>>>>     mongo.user.insert(name='Mark', age=43, city='Boston')
>>>>>>>>     mongo.user.insert(name='Tom',  age=43, city='Detroit')
>>>>>>>>     mongo.user.insert(name='Jim',  age=18, city='Detroit')
>>>>>>>>     mongo.user.insert(name='Jack', age=18)
>>>>>>>>     mongo.user.insert(name='Eric', city='Boston')
>>>>>>>>     return 'users in database'
>>>>>>>> def find_users():
>>>>>>>>     users = mongo(mongo.user.age==66).select()
>>>>>>>>     return dict(users=users)
>>>>>>>> after I run *insert_users* I check in MongoDb via terminal and 
>>>>>>>> everything is correct:
>>>>>>>> > db.user.find()
>>>>>>>> { "_id" : ObjectId("4fa80feea34feb34f8000000"), "city" : "Toronto", 
>>>>>>>> "age" : NumberLong(66), "name" : "John" }
>>>>>>>> { "_id" : ObjectId("4fa80feea34feb34f8000001"), "city" : "Boston", 
>>>>>>>> "age" : NumberLong(43), "name" : "Mark" }
>>>>>>>> { "_id" : ObjectId("4fa80feea34feb34f8000002"), "city" : "Detroit", 
>>>>>>>> "age" : NumberLong(43), "name" : "Tom" }
>>>>>>>> { "_id" : ObjectId("4fa80feea34feb34f8000003"), "city" : "Detroit", 
>>>>>>>> "age" : NumberLong(18), "name" : "Jim" }
>>>>>>>> { "_id" : ObjectId("4fa80feea34feb34f8000004"), "age" : 
>>>>>>>> NumberLong(18), "name" : "Jack" }
>>>>>>>> { "_id" : ObjectId("4fa80feea34feb34f8000005"), "city" : "Boston", 
>>>>>>>> "name" : "Eric" }
>>>>>>>> but when I run *find_users* I get this error:
>>>>>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 7578, in select
>>>>>>>>     return adapter.select(self.query,fields,attributes)
>>>>>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 4290, in select
>>>>>>>>     return self.parse(rows,fields,mongofields_dict.keys(),False)
>>>>>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1600, in parse
>>>>>>>>     self.parse_value(value, fields[j].type,blob_decode)
>>>>>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1496, in parse_value
>>>>>>>>     return self.parsemap[key](value,field_type)
>>>>>>>>   File "/opt/web2py/gluon/dal.py", line 1562, in parse_id
>>>>>>>>     return int(value)
>>>>>>>> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'Toronto'

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