That is done here:

Look into the action tags()

On Friday, 11 May 2012 21:06:43 UTC-5, Rod Watkins wrote:
> I have a question I have not been able to answer for myself.
> In the web2py cookbook, there is this suggested model for handling tags:
> db.define_table('data', Field('value')) 
> db.define_table('tag', Field('record_id',, Field('name')) 
> I like that. But I have struggled with the correct way to handle the form 
> for the "data" entity. I want a create/edit form that allows the entry of 
> any fields in the "data" entities table as well as tags for the entity 
> (like, say, Wordpress). I am using SQLFORM to handle the form processing of 
> the "data" table form elements. But how would I handle the tags input? What 
> is the recommended way of creating/updating the tags?
> Thanks
> Rod

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