do you have in your modules and in your app folders?
Em 13/05/2012 19:35, "Simon Ashley" <> escreveu:

> Answering my own question here.
> Its a path issue.
> If you insert the fill path from the applications folder, its found.
> On Monday, May 14, 2012 8:08:23 AM UTC+10, Simon Ashley wrote:
>> Has anyone come up with a solution to this? Have the same issue.
>> On Thursday, December 1, 2011 7:08:38 AM UTC+10, haikuvend Resident wrote:
>>> I have downloaded a plugin from**
>>> plugin_solidform <>
>>> It consists of two files:
>>>  - controller/ (demo)
>>>  - *modules/* (the actual plugin)
>>> When using the exact same command as in the provided example:
>>> from plugin_solidform import SOLIDFORM
>>> in *controller/*
>>> it gives me the following Traceback:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\**web2py\gluon\", line 194,
>>> in restricted
>>>     exec ccode in environment
>>>   File "C:/Users/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/**web2py/applications/haikuvend/**
>>> controllers/", line 56, in <module>
>>>   File "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\**web2py\gluon\", line 149,
>>> in <lambda>
>>>     self._caller = lambda f: f()
>>>   File "C:/Users/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/**web2py/applications/haikuvend/**
>>> controllers/", line 13, in contact
>>>     from plugin_solidform import SOLIDFORM
>>>   File "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\**web2py\gluon\"**,
>>> line 294, in __call__
>>>     fromlist, level)
>>>   File "C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\**web2py\gluon\"**,
>>> line 78, in __call__
>>>     level)
>>> ImportError: No module named plugin_solidform
>>> Again, I'm using the exact same syntax as on that page. Why doesn't it
>>> work for me?

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