Please open a ticket. I do not see what may be causing this. On the other 
ise the ID should be Null(None) or >0 else it will break most databases.

On Saturday, 12 May 2012 11:36:06 UTC-5, Eduardo Diaz wrote:
> In our work we migrate from version of Web2py from 1.96.4 to 1.99.7, but we 
> have the following problem: SQLFORM not print the ID values ​​less and 
> equal than zero, the referenced table (ex. table "a"). any security reason 
> for 
> this change?
> # controller:
> def index(): 
>   db.define_table('a',
>     Field('namea'),
>     format='%(namea)s'
>   )  
>   db.define_table('b',
>     Field('nameb'),
>     Field('a_id',db.a)
>   )
>   form = SQLFORM(db.b)
>   return dict(form=form)
> #table "a" contains
> ALTER SEQUENCE a_id_seq   MINVALUE 0; # we need zero in the table, and we 
> need to show in the form. its run in w2p 1.96, but not in 1.99
> INSERT INTO a (id, namea) VALUES (0, 'a_0');
> INSERT INTO a (id, namea) VALUES (1, 'a_1');
> INSERT INTO a (id, namea) VALUES (2, 'a_2');
> INSERT INTO a (id, namea) VALUES (3, 'a_3');
> INSERT INTO a (id, namea) VALUES (4, 'a_4');
> INSERT INTO a (id, namea) VALUES (5, 'a_5');
> #The SELECT VIEW no print a_0 option, and if torce it, the validator print 
> select id="b_a_id" class="generic-widget" name="a_id">
> <option value=""></option>
> <option value="1">a_1</option>
> <option value="2">a_2</option>
> <option value="3">a_3</option>
> <option value="4">a_4</option>
> <option value="5">a_5</option>
> </select>

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