> I am working exclusively with web2py, over 2 years (8-24 hours a day *7) 
> plus holydays. And I never used an IDE. I use Sublime-text-2 and VIM, I 
> have Python code completion and I have set some web2py completions for 
> common code snippets both in VIM and Sublime-text.
> But, If I wanted or needed to use an IDE, I would use WingIDE. WingIDE 
> works perfectly with web2py! 

Hi Bruno,

I've just started using Sublime Text for web2py development, and am 
wondering how you deal with auto completions and syntax checking. So far, 
I've tried two plugins: SublimeLinter and SublimeCodeIntel, but both have 
got problems:

SublimeLinter cannot detect any of the usual web2py global objects and 
marks them as error, and SublimeCodeIntel cannot do any code 
completion/lookup on those web2py objects as well. So at the moment, I've 
only got code completion on python libraries and no syntax checking.

Given your experience with sublime text and web2py, I'd much appreciate 
that if you could share some of your tips/tricks to amend the problems 
above. Thanks a lot. 

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