i don't understand,


is not an option?  i think that is what facebook needs.


On 5/15/12 13:54 , www.diazluis.com wrote:
Thanks for responding

no, not possible.
would have to be able to specify a dns PTR type, and I have that option

CAS system not work for me, I retornava error "infinite redirect"

I had several customers excited about the idea of ​​being able to log into
facebook ... pity it does not work ..

El martes, 15 de mayo de 2012 12:50:42 UTC-4:30, howesc escribió:

what are you using the generate the return URL that you pass to facebook
when you make the login request?  it looks like that is the culprit - i
always use a hostname and not IP address for the return URL.

On Tuesday, May 15, 2012 7:17:02 AM UTC-7, :

I'll try to explain better:
I need my app to do login using facebook.

you can test in juegozona.com

juegozona.com is configured in the "panel WebFaction" to use the ip:

when the visitor tries to login, facebook return to the page from
which you made the request.

here I present the following error:

in the browser address bar displays the following code:


in which one can extract the ip address of return is:

my config dns is:

the facebook settings are correct:

what is the problem?

Díaz Luis
Analista Programador Facultad de Odontología UC
User Linux 532223

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