Thanks I should have used update_record. However still no compute, and 
compute does not work when editing also.

On Friday, May 25, 2012 6:50:33 PM UTC+1, peter wrote:
> I am using web2py 1.99.7 
> I have a compute as
> db.image.thumb.compute=lambda r:THUMB(r['file'])
> I update the whole database 
> def update_images():
>     rows=db(db.image).select()
>     for row in rows:
>         row.update(title=row.title)
>     db.commit()
> Yet, the computes have not occurred.
> Similarly if I edit a record and submit, no compute. Yet if I add a 
> record, the compute does take place.
> Anyone any ideas why?
> Thanks
> Peter

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