
I am trying to add java applet to my application. I have problem with 
pointing the page to proper path. In and old thread I found Massimo's code 

<applet code="jalview/bin/JalviewLite.class"
archive="/{{=request.application}}/static/jalviewApplet.jar" mayscript 
viewastext> <param name="file" 
value="/{{=request.application}}/static/alnfile"> <param 
name="defaultColour" value="Nucleotide"> </applet >

my question is: where does this path actually start? I have myJavaApp.call 
file and some config files, but I have no idea where to place them. 
JavaConsole says Java tries to search for them in:

network: Cache entry not found [url:

but I didn't find a way to place it there.

Help would be much appreciated.

best regards,

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