Got this working on the CentOS server as follows:

mail.settings.server = 'localhost:25'
mail.settings.sender = ''
mail.settings.login = None

Massimo, please note the book says "Set mail.settings.login=False if the 
SMTP server does not require authentication." 
This was failing for me- It only worked when 
mail.settings.login = None

On Saturday, May 26, 2012 10:24:27 AM UTC-4, Yarin wrote:
> I'm trying to send email out of web2py via localhost and Postfix, but 
> everything I try just fails silently. Having the same issue on my Mac OSX 
> and CentOS6 server, each with Postfix installed and able to send emails 
> from the command line.
> I've played with variations of the following settings:
> mail.settings.server='' / 'smtp.localhost:25' / 'localhost' / 
> 'localhost:25'
> mail.settings.sender=''
> mail.settings.login='' / False / None
> Sending mail via gmail SMTP works fine, but I need local postfix capability

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