Thanks, I remember a friend wanting something like this for his anime a while 
back, I'll refer him to this :)

Also especially like how neat you've made your forms, example from 
    form = SQLFORM.factory(
        Field('paths', default=vars['paths'], requires=IS_IN_SET(all_folders)),
        Field('seasonnumber', default=vars['seasonnumber'], 
requires=IS_IN_SET(set([row.seasons_settings.seasonnumber for row in 
        Field('series_name', default=vars['series_name'], 
requires=IS_IN_SET(dict([(, for row in 
        Field('date_from', 'datetime', default=vars['date_from']),
        Field('date_to', 'datetime', default=vars['date_to']),
                BUTTON(w2p_icon('filter', variant='white'), "Filter Results", 
_class="btn btn-primary"),
                A(w2p_icon('reset', variant='white'), "Reset Filters", 
_class="btn btn-info",
                  _href=URL('bit', vars={}))
        _method = 'GET',
        _enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'


On Monday, June 4, 2012 9:04:11 AM UTC+10, Niphlod wrote:
> hey, I finally managed to push my app to github, with some sweat involved
> I haven't packaged an app and released to the public before, let's hope 
> nobody has problems installing it :P
> Let's cut to the chase, w2p_tvseries, as the name may suggest, is an app 
> to organize tv shows on the disk.
> It uses web2py, obviously, and as you'll read on github, I had a precise 
> agenda for it:
> - use as much web2py codebase as possible
> - use extensively the scheduler
> - test if Twitter Bootstrap (as opposed to jquery-ui that I used for all 
> my previous projects) is "enough" for all the functionality required
> - use AJAX wherever is possible: async stuff will take place probably in 
> places where it was not necessary, but I decided to give it a shot whenever 
> (and wherever) possible
> - make it a multi-platform app
> - combine some useful piece of scripts lying around my machine
> - play and test the requests ( 
> library for all the HTTP communications
> Some goodies:
> - twitter bootstrap form serialization
> - integration with jquery fullcalendar (someone asked a while ago about 
> the implementation)
> - play with webservices, namely and
> - pagescraping of
> - async task scheduling with task reporting
> - internal documentation written in MARKMIN
> - a nasty multiform page, on this group is quite a recurring question 
> (check series_settings() in controllers/
> I'm happy with some pieces of implementations, let's say the 80% of it.... 
> modules singletons maybe account for a 10% I'm not happy about, and the 
> last 10% is some pieces of code repeated.....
> This app 1 month ago looked like a puzzle (trying to piece together 
> scripts ranging from 2 years ago to now ....). It's in alpha stage, things 
> can go wrong but nothing irreversible will be done ;-)
> Please, web2py developers, feel free to install, review, propose patches 
> and features, etc.

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